Death and resurrection

As we approach Easter I want to focus on the two themes of the death and resurrection of Jesus hopefully in a way that involves you.

If I begin with the cross of Jesus. I wonder what words come to mind whether we have a faith or not? Here are some that come to me…violence, injustice, pain, suffering, grief, isolation, loneliness, a waste of a young life.

Yet as I ponder these words I realise that they could probably have been applied to many people being brutally crucified at the time. It is my second group of words that make Jesus stand out as different… love, compassion, forgiveness, self-sacrifice, unselfishness and victory.

For me when I look at Jesus dying on the cross I see more than just a good man dying cruelly. I see God himself come right into our world, bearing upon himself all the worst that is in us as human beings, taking all of our guilt and failure and offering us, quite wonderfully, a new beginning. He dies in our place. That is what makes the death of Jesus so special.

Starting from the premise that resurrection just does not happen I would have taken a lot of convincing if I had been the first of many witnesses.

What words come to mind when I think of Jesus’ resurrection… surprise, fear, excitement, growing faith and rock solid hope. Starting from the premise that resurrection just does not happen I would have taken a lot of convincing if I had been the first of many witnesses. Now, speaking personally, my accepting of the truth of the resurrection of Jesus brought me to faith and changed my whole life direction when I was a student. It is that word hope that stands out for me. I can have confidence that when I die there is something more. Death is no longer the final barrier.

I wish you every encouragement during these difficult times and I pray that in these themes of the death and resurrection of Jesus you too may find the hope that we so sorely need.

Happy Easter.

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Frank Scammell
Vicar of Emmanuel Stoughton

Church Office: 01483 561603