Stoughton Pages (Feature Listing)
Stoughton Pages is a well established local advertising and community news magazine delivered free to over 3,500 homes in Stoughton, Surrey.
Our magazine, first published in 2020 (although we have produced a sister publication, Burpham Pages, since 2006), features a range of editorial articles and advertising and has become a go to resource for local services and businesses.
The focus of the magazine is on the local community and we like to keep readers in touch with what’s happening in our village and the neighbouring areas.
We’re always happy to hear from you about up and coming local news and events and where relevant will publish them in the magazine and on our website.
If you would like to talk to us about advertising opportunities in the magazine or online please visit the How to advertise page or via the Contact page. If you have an event, some local news or would like to discuss an editorial entry please also visit the Contact page.
Why advertise with us
Do you want to reach up to 8,400* potential new customers or local people who might be interested in your local event?
Our magazine, first published in 2020 (based on our successful Burpham Pages magazine launched in 2006), features a range of editorial articles and advertising delivered to over 3,500 homes in Stoughton and Queen Elizabeth Park and has become a go to resource for local services and businesses.
We offer a range of advertising opportunities from quarter page up to double page spaces and also offer advertorial (a combination of editorial and advertising content) if you want to communicate a little more about your business, event or endeavour.
Research has suggested that a large proportion of local people who receive Stoughton Pages tend to keep the magazine for future reference should they require the services of any of the advertisers. For this reason we always recommend a multi-insertion advert as opposed to a single ad as this gives you greater exposure to potential customers as well as establishing trust and a sense of recognition with our readers.
Over the past year we have put considerable work in to developing the design and content of the magazine, and building a new website, in order to engage better with the local community in Stoughton and ultimately to make your advertising more successful.
A list of our advertising fees can be found on the How to advertise page.
If you would like to talk to us about advertising opportunities in the magazine or online please visit the How to advertise page or via the Contact page.
* Based on a circulation of 3,500 copies and an average household of 2.4 people (Source: Office for National Statistics).

If you’d like to get in touch with us please complete the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can:
Stoughton Pages
Tel: 07597 904755
Burpham Pages
Tel: 07597 904755
Stoughton Pages & Burpham Pages are trading names of Brand Era Limited.