The Haven Café at the QE Park Centre
The Haven Café is a social enterprise café which opened in December 2020 at the QE Park Centre. The café is run on a ‘not for profit’ basis and focuses on employing, empowering and educating young adults who are currently unemployed, at risk of unemployment, or not in education or training.

Neat2Eat (the Community Interest Company that runs the café,) works in partnership with the Matrix Trust, to offer education, training, and apprenticeships (supported by Guildford College).
The Haven Café is open Tuesdays-Saturdays, 10.00am-3.00pm.
QE Park Baptist Church, who own and manage the QE Park Centre, will be working in partnership with the Haven Café to extend the café space two Tuesdays per month to create a Renew space. A Renew space is a quiet cafe style space that serves as a place of welcome and shared habits for good mental and emotional wellbeing. It is a space where every-one is valued and where you can share a hobby, suggest an activity, and make connections. It is also a space where people can encounter God’s love and develop healthy inner practices of prayer and meditation. The space will be open from 10.00am – 3.00pm on the following days: 18th January, 1st February, 15th February, 1st March, 15th March and 5th April.
Additional staff required
The café is looking for additional staff to support their extended hours and, in particular, for Saturday shifts.
This would initially be on a voluntary basis but could then move to paid hours.
If you or anyone you know might be interested, contact Mark Collins at for more details.