New vicar looks forward to settling in

My name is Thom, and along with my wife Sarah and our kids Sophia (3) and James (1), we moved to Stoughton this summer for me to begin as the new vicar of Emmanuel Church. We’re really enjoying settling in such a welcoming local community, and looking forward to getting to know our neighbours and the area better over the years ahead.
At Emmanuel, we’re relaunching all our groups and activities from Sunday 4th September, and celebrating with an ice cream van coming to join us at the end of our main morning service. We run groups for children and teenagers 0-18 every Sunday morning, as well as our Thursday evening youth group for all the community, our daytime toddler groups and Tuesday afternoon Kids Alive gathering.
We believe in the power of community. If the last couple of years have taught us anything in our nation, it’s how we need each other – and that none of us thrive alone. We want to be a community where the lonely find friendship, the vulnerable find support, and where we’re all encouraged and supported to thrive and make a difference in our local community. On Wednesdays we host a friendship club for the seniors in our local area, whether to play bowls and table tennis, enjoy a visit from our preschool, or just to sit and chat with others over a cup of tea. Our café is open Monday to Thursday as a space for all the community to enjoy coffee, cake, and lunches at affordable prices, and to be a place where all are welcome to come and connect with others.
We want to be a community open to all, because we reflect the love that God has shown us in Jesus: coming to share our human life, modelling compassion and acceptance of all, and dying for us on a Roman cross.
We want to be a community where the lonely find friendship, the vulnerable find support, and where we’re all encouraged and supported to thrive and make a difference in our local community.
We love because he first loved us – and we love to share the good news of what Jesus has done for us with everyone we meet. If you have questions about life or want to explore some of those deeper conversations, we’d love to welcome you on our Alpha course, starting Wednesday 28th September, at the church. We share some food, hear a short talk, and have a chance to chat and question in a low pressure environment.

In any community, we all have a part to play. We’re always in need of more volunteers to help us host the community café, or to help raise money for charity by serving in our fairtrade shop. We run parenting and relationship classes, cookery courses, and work with our local schools to support those families who are most in need.
Everyone is welcome at Emmanuel, whether you’re a person of faith or just someone who wants to serve our community together. We’d love to welcome you – whether to our café for some cake, to a Sunday service, or to our Alpha course to have a chance to chat to others about the
big issues of life.
As we start this new term, it’s my prayer that we all find deeper community and healthier relationships, reflecting the love of the one who made us for himself, and loved us first. You are so welcome to join us, as we work with each other to serve Stoughton together.
For more information about any of the activities mentioned visit
Thom Jee
Vicar Emmanuel Church